Top 10 Things You Didn't Know Java Could Do


Top 10 Things You Didn't Know Java Could Do

One of the most well-known and popular programming languages is Java. It is used by millions of devices worldwide because it is readable and simple. 

  • Although Java is very popular, there are some interesting Java facts that you might not know. 

  • Here are some things some developers know that you can use to impress your friends and colleagues.

1. Its Original Name Was OAK

Hard as it may be to believe, Java was originally known by a different name. James Gosling, then working at Sun Microsystems, developed Java as a new programming language. He named it after an oak tree outside his office window. Later the name was changed to Java.

2. JAVA Programming - Excellent way to get started with coding.

Those who are just starting in coding will always be advised to begin with Java. Why is this the case

  • Java is often regarded as the most meticulous and advanced programming language, which explains why.

  • The easiest way to distinguish between the two is to claim that "debugging and fetching out errors" are much more comfortable than what you can obtain in C or C++.  When we first start programming, we regularly make mistakes and try to code, compile, and execute.

3. Minecraft was created in Java at first.

One of the most played video games in the world is called Minecraft. Notch wrote the game in Java at first because it was the programming language he was most familiar with. After being purchased by Microsoft, Minecraft's new owner released a C++ version.

4. Among the Most Expensive Programming Languages

Yes, you read that right. Because of its robust nature, Java has become very popular, companies have adopted it well, and it has created more jobs in the technology industry. 

  • Today, Java is used by companies like Netflix, Spotify, LinkedIn, Amazon, and many more. 

  • Not only that, you remember a world-class indie computer game, and besides, the average salary of Java developers in India is 5-6 LPA and USD 80k-90k per year in the USA. 

  • Even after many years, it is still in high demand than any other programming language and every beginner wants or is asked to learn Java first.

5. It Instructs You on How to Think Like a Programmer

There's a reason why most aspiring programmers start with Java. While its syntax can be difficult at times, it teaches students to think like programmers. In other words, it demonstrates the types of problem-solving skills that students will need even when learning more difficult languages.

6. It's also dynamic.

One of the most intriguing Java unknown facts is its dynamic nature. There are two types of Java instrumentations: Java reflections and Java instrumentations. 

  • The first category allows you to modify already-compiled classes, which is useful if you want to change the code at run time.

  • Java tools are made possible by AspectJ, ASM, and many other open source libraries. Reflection allows you to look at a class's private variable. All these are very useful when developing software.

7. Packed up with Unique Features

With its large user community and support, Java comes with powerful features that set it apart from the competition. Among them are:

  • Java provides several safeguards to ensure safe and reliable code. Additionally, Java provides exception handling for logical errors to avoid system crashes.

  • Performance: The concept of multithreading in Java's architecture improves the speed of Java programming.

  • Dynamic: Unlike C programming, Java functions are loaded only when called, preventing memory waste.

8. The Mascot’s Name is “Duke”

If you've seen the movie "Shrek," you've probably seen Joe Palrang's work. One could argue that he is more famous for "The Duke" than Shrek, as this symbol is prominently displayed at all Java One conferences, which are very popular among developers.

9. Everything was an accident

Earlier we discussed how the creator of Java, James Gosling, originally gave it a very different name. Accidentally created language is even funnier. 

  • James Gosling and his team cleaned up C++ while inventing an entirely new language. 

  • On the other hand, we shouldn't be surprised because many modern devices, such as the microwave, ink-jet printers, x-ray images, and many others, were invented by accident.

10. There are various  Java platforms

Java Standard Edition includes all of the basic functionalities and libraries.

  • Java Enterprise Edition - includes all of the frameworks and libraries required by large businesses to build an app.

  • Java Micro Edition - contains frameworks and libraries for developing apps for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

  • Java FX includes graphics libraries for developing rich apps that perform consistently across platforms.


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